CORSIER-SUR-VEVEY, Switzerland (June 17) -- To say Danielle LIM has overcome tremendous obstacles in her life would be an understatement.

Growing up in Singapore, Danielle, along with her older brother and mother, were physically abused by her father. 

"The trauma was really physical and mental," recalled Danielle. "So then he became very numbed to it.

"And you know what the worse thing was, I thought it was normal. I thought every family and every kid actually goes through that."

The 21-year-old Singaporean women's wrestler was recently named the recipient of the Singapore Olympic Foundation-Peter Lim Scholarship.

United World Wrestling funded a grassroot program, which included a mat donation for the development of wrestling through various schools across Singapore, which is how Danielle was identified in 2017.

"I'm very thankful for the Singapore Olympic Foundation-Peter Lim Scholarship," said Danielle. "It really means a lot to have that extra monetary award. Having that scholarship will ease the burden not just on me but also my parents."

Danielle discovered the sport of wrestling and realized that everything is possible when you put your heart into it.

"I started to see that people actually really cared and have a heart for me," said Danielle. "They looked out for me. They were really, really good people around me like my teachers and coaches. They would just tell me that, 'Where you came from will not determine where you are going to be. And it doesn't matter how long you take to get there as long as you don't give up." 

Spurred on by a strong support system that included a loving mother and protective older brother, Danielle has vowed to take advantage of every opportunity that comes her way.

Danielle is focused on doing everything in her power to accomplish her goals. 

"I'm going to do my best in everything that was given to me or opportunities that come by," said Danielle. "So if I say I'm going to play handball, I'm going to make it to the national team. If I'm going to do wrestling, I'm going to make it to the national team. I'm going to make it to the biggest stage I can."