Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling world champion August ENGLAS (EST) died this week at his home in Estonia. He was 92.

Englas won the 1952 world championship in Greco-Roman at light heavyweight and the next year took gold again, this time in freestyle. He placed fourth in freestyle wrestling at the 1952Olympic Games and was a Soviet Union champion a total of seven times. After his career on the mat as a wrestler he continued int he sport as a coach and a referee. 

"August will be remembered for his unforgettable handshake and glitter in the eye," wrote  Jaanus PAEVÄLI, President of Estonian Wrestling Federation confirmed to United World Wrestling on Wednesday. "He contributed a lifetime of work to Estonian wrestling."

"Nous nous souviendrons toujours d'August pour son inoubliable poignée de main et son regard étincelant" a écrit Jaanus PAEVÄLI, Président de la Fédération de lutte d'Estonie à United World Wrestling mercredi. "Il a dédié sa vie à la lutte."