MÂCON, France (September 4) – United World Wrestling held its bi-annual congress Sunday during the final day of competition of the 2016 Junior Wrestling World Championships in Mâcon, France.
The Congress is an opportunity for national federations from around the world to meet and discuss ideas for the improvement of the sport, vote on particular items of interest and elect new members to the sport’s executive committee – known as the bureau.

President Nenad LALOVIC (SRB) and Secretary General Michel DUSSON (FRA) addressed representatives from more than 120 nations for several hours, highlighting the federation’s finances and discussing a variety of organizational gains made over the past two years. Lalovic used his time at the podium to also discuss the possibility of moving over to a two-day competition format. The president said that a change to a two-day format would help promote athletes going for gold medals and suggested the second weigh-in could dissuade unhealthy weight-cutting.
No final decisions were made, but Lalovic said that any adjustments would need to “be done swiftly so that we can adjust to the changes by Tokyo 2020.”
In addressing some of the controversy surrounding RIO 2016, Congress also accepted the bureau’s suggestion to provide financial support for a new program focused on the development and education of referees. The group also adopted the IOC Code of Ethics and moved referee oversight to the federation’s Sport department.
Lalovic also announced the creation of a second United World Wrestling office, located in Istanbul, which will oversee the development and promotion of a variety of traditional and non-Olympic styles of wrestling. Details will be released in the coming weeks.
The Congress also voted to elect six members to the United World Wrestling bureau, each for six-year terms. Before voting began Turkey’s Ahmet AYIK announced his retirement and was awarded the United World Wrestling golden necklace – the organization’s highest award. Ayik had served on the bureau for more than 20 years and is an Olympci gold medalist.

Incumbent bureau members Namig ALIEV of Azerbaijan (75), Michel DUSSON of France (69), Karl-Martin DITTMAN of Germany (62), Rodica YAKSI of Turkey (60) and Theodore HAMAKOS of Greece (59) were each re-elected in the first-round of voting, securing more than 50-percent of the congressional votes needed (59 votes).
The bureau also welcomed new member Rasoul KHADEM (IRI) who gained the most votes of the congress with 76. Khadem is a 1996 Olympic champion and is president of the Iran Wrestling Federation. Lalovic praised Khadem's election after the congress, “Mr. Khadem brings incredible expertise to the bureau and has always been a fair and honest man. He will be very valuable to the bureau and the sport of wrestling.”
The congress ended with a spirited discussion of the fees associated with hosting continental championships. The bureau and congress agreed to limit the proposed increase to between 15 and 20-percent the current amounts. The World championship organizational fees will remain at the proposed levels.
The next Congress will be held in 2018, likely during that year’s senior world championships, whose location has yet to be determined.
لالوویچ همچنین اعلام کرد که دفتر دوم اتحادیه جهانی کشتی در استانبول راهاندازی میشود تا توسعه و ترویج کشتیهای سنتی و رشتههای غیر المپیکی زیر نظر اتحادیه جهانی کشتی را نظارت کند.
همچنین کنگره جهانی به شش تن از اعضای اتحادیه جهانی کشتی برای حضور در هیات رییسه رای داد که هر کدام به مدت شش سال برای این سمت انتخاب شدهاند. قبل از رای گیری احمد آییک از ترکیه بازنشستگی خود را از هیات رییسه اعلام کرد و اتحادیه جهانی گردنبند طلایی که بالاترین نشان این سازمان است را به او اهدا کرد. آییک بیش از 20 سال عضو هیات رییسه بوده و مدال طلای المپیک را نیز در کارنامه ورزشی اش دارد.
نامیگ علی اف، از آذربایجان (75 رای)، میشل دوسون از فرانسه (69 رای)، کارل مارتین دیتمان از آلمان (62 رای)، رودیکا یاکشی از ترکیه (60 رای) و تئودور هاماکاس از یونان (59 رای) پنج عضوی بودند که برای بار دیگر برای حضور در هیات رییسه رای آوردند.
همچنین هیات رییسه به عضو جدیدش یعنی رسول خادم از ایران خوشامد گفت که با 76 رای صاحب بیشترین آراء در کنگره شد. خادم، قهرمان المپیک 1996 آتلانتا و رییس فدراسیون کشتی ایران است.
لالوویچ انتخاب خادم به عنوان عضو هیات رییسه را ستایش کرد و گفت: آقای خادم تخصص و تجربه باور نکردنی را به هیات رییسه خواهد آورد و او همیشه مردی جوانمرد و مورد اعتماد بوده است. حضور او برای هیات رییسه و ورزش کشتی بسیار ارزشمند است.
کنگره جهانی با بحث در مورد حق عضویت سالانه فدراسیونها و همچنین میزبانی رقابتهای قارهای به پایان رسید.
هیات رییسه و کنگره با افزایش محدود 15 تا 20 درصدی حق عضویت موافقت کردهاند، ضمن این که حق ورودیه رقابتهای جهانی در همان حد پیشنهاد شده باقی ماند.
کنگره بعدی در سال 2018 و در جریان مسابقات جهانی برگزار خواهد شد که مکان آن هنوز مشخص نشده است.