CORSIER-SUR-VEVEY (September 23) – During the 2015 Wrestling World Championships in Las Vegas members of United World Wrestling – Americas signed a development agreement with the Iranian Wrestling Federation to help the continental confederation further progress the sport of wrestling in Central and South America.

According to the agreement, the Iranian Wrestling Federation, led by president Rasoul KHADEM will help the promotion and development of wrestling in America by organizing common training camp among different age categories in freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. The agreement also states that Iran will send coaches for all styles to assist with short-term training camps 

The agreement will also assist in helping develop practical and theoretical teachings for the wrestling techniques, nutritional science doping and proper weight training and conditioning.

The program will also incentivize more wrestlers from Iran to visit the Americas for tournaments, and vice-versa. The Iranian contingency will also be willing to help provide guidance in traditional wrestling in America