United World Wrestling President Nenad Lalovic took part at the 8th Olympic Summit on Dec. 6-7 following the invitation sent by President of the IOC, Dr. Thomas Bach.

Lalovic was invited to discuss current international sporting issues related to athlete support and funding redistribution, growing politicization in sports, Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, fight against doping and much more.

Leaders from FIFA, IAAF, ASOIF, GAISF, IOC Athlete Commission chair and many more took part in these two intense days to discuss the above mentioned topics and provided their expertise and advice to the IOC.  

"We are working closely with the IOC to advance the Olympic Agenda 2020," said Lalovic. "UWW is implementing all the necessary tools and actions to advance the sport of wrestling in close collaboration with the IOC. Wrestling must be united in order to remain strong within the Olympic family."

A full report and article can be found here.