The Estonian Wrestling Federation (EWF) is participating in the Development of the National Sport System Program (DNSS) with the support of Olympic Solidarity.

The EWF board identified weaknesses within Estonia wrestling, such as maintaining the number of wrestlers in the transition schoolboys to cadets and the low international experience of national coaches and referees. 
Igor BUGAY is visiting the different wrestling clubs throughout Estonia, working closely with the local coaches and wrestlers, accompanying the senior national team in training camps and international competitions and maintaining constant communication with the EWF.

The following priorities were established at a meeting held June 12-14 at EWF headquarters in Tallinn:
•    Conduct a training course with particular focus on the training of new coaches
•    Conduct demonstrations in different schools throughout the country
•    Heiki NABI and Epp MAE participate in campaigns in order to recruit new, young wrestlers
•    Conduct joint training actions, distributed geographically, with trainers, wrestlers and referees, with the aim of homogenize the level of the different agents

In addition, EWF recently approved a donation of two wrestling mats by United World Wrestling under the Technical Assistance Program.